JPG is the most common type of photo file in the digital industry. Industry and also in our lives, since most users of digital cameras and images that circulate on the Internet are encoded in this way.
JPG is the term coined by the Joint Photographic Experts Group, a group of experts who created the .jpg, an image compression format, both in color and grayscale, with high quality.
Therefore, we are facing the most common method when it comes to generating compression of photographic images. Of course, it should be noted that the degree of reduction can be adjusted, which allows you to select the storage size and the image quality.
It typically achieves a compression of one to ten (1:10) with little noticeable loss in image quality, which in any case would be ideal. One of the best aspects for its popularization is that these types of files are the most common on the internet and are supported by all browsers.
In order to carry out the compression operation, it is necessary to apply an algorithm based on two visual phenomena of the human eye, based on light and brightness.
It should not be confused with other types of formats, such as .gif and .png, which are more optimal for image processing.
In summary, the JPG format is ideal for the vast majority of Internet users, who do not require files of extreme quality, but rather something optimal for multimedia exchange and web uploads.
However, you should know that if you re-compress an image already compressed in JPG, even more quality will be lost and it is a non-reversible process, that is, you will not be able to decompress the image and return to the previous quality. That also makes it a cumulative process.
To (re)compress a JPG file you can use any online service for this purpose.
The latter (CloudConvert) has the ability to change the compression rate, which can give you a certain margin of mobility in this regard.
The steps to follow are similar for all sites:
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