Open JPG File

Information, tips and instructions

SEO factors to position JPG images in Google

Normally, when we talk about optimizing the positioning of a blog or website, we focus on the texts. SEO applied to texts is very important, but SEO for images is also very important.

Without a doubt, good text, aligned with the requirements and good practices that Google recommends, will help one page to show up before another in searches.

However, most webmasters forget one of the many elements that come into play when it comes to improving rankings; the images.

Why you need to Work on SEO for JPG images?

Applying SEO for JPG images on your website or blog can bring you numerous benefits, all of which are related to the performance of your site.

If you follow a series of simple tips, very easy to implement, you will be able to:

  • Appear in Google's featured snippets: it is a privileged place on the results pages, where you will be visible to the user before anyone else.
  • Improve positions on the results pages: One of the goals of any site is to get its URL to appear as high as possible in the search results.
  • Improve positions in Google Images: Many users search Google Images, and end up accessing the corresponding website through the link.
  • Improve the popularity and reach of your brand: Derived from all the above, you will get a greater number of users to click on your links.

SEO factors for images

SEO for images comprises a series of actions aimed at ensuring that the images on a site contribute to optimizing its search engine positioning.

Weight and quality

The advice in this regard is this would be the minimum so the image has satisfying quality, and the maximum so that it does not slow down the loading of the web.

JPG file name and extension

Naming the file using one of your strategic keywords is the best way to work on image SEO.

Image title

Don't ever forget to add a title for each image on your site.

Alternative text

Google uses it to index the image. Also use some of your target keywords here.

Image description

Writing a literal description that contains your strategic keywords is one of the most important parts of SEO for images.